Monday, June 1, 2009

Kaylee's Field Day and Kind. Graduation

Our big girl Kaylee had her kindergarten graduation last friday. We are so proud of her and all that she has learned and accomplished this past year.Great Grandpa Williams came out to see her program and well as great Grandma Williams and Great Grandpa and Great Grandma Dahl. Kaylee and her best friend Connor both did a fantastic job during their program.

Daddy, Kami, and great Grandma Williams after the graduation program, having a good time while waiting for Kaylee to have her friends sign her year book.

Kaylee loves her Grandma Williams so much and was so excited that she came out to see her. They even gave her a cute necklace for graduating.

This is Kaylee's teacher Mrs. Crane so of course we had to get a picture of her with her teacher. She have Kaylee an award in class for being a really good reader.

The pictures are a little out of order, but this is Kaylee right after she recieved her graduation from kindergarten diploma. What a cutie!

Kami just loves her big sister so much and is excited to see her program.

Kaylee is such a goof ball, she loves taking pictures of herself and making funny faces.

Two days before school got out Kaylee had her field day that I went and helped out with. This is her and her friend Aubrey at the chalk station coloring on the sidewalk.

The big parachute is always a hit with kids.

Kaylee playing some horseshoes.
It was lots of fun being able to go help out Kaylees class. I just love being able to see all of the fun things that she gets to do.

We love you Scoob!

1 comment:

Crazy Eight Bunch said...

I can't believe she will be in 1st grade! All your girls are super cute.